Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Effects Of Alcohol On Alcohol Abuse - 1965 Words

As of January 2015 alcohol related deaths were represented as accountable for approximately 6% of deaths worldwide. That is 3.3 million deaths from alcohol related car accidents to alcohol poisoning. The consumption of alcohol can be tied with being a factor in a variety of diseases, disabilities, tragedies, and crimes. An estimate of over 76 million people suffer from alcohol dependence and abuse. Consumption of alcohol can become a serious threat to personal and public health when an individual engages in activities such as binge drinking or drinking while driving. In other words, harmful drinking is anytime an individual becomes unable to have full perception and control of his/her surroundings because of alcohol. Harmful drinking can also be defined as a pattern of alcohol consumption causing health problems that are directly connected to alcohol. Underage drinking contributes to the 3 leading causes of death (unintentional injury, homicide, and suicide) among persons aged 12 to 20 years. Most commonly teens experience acute intoxication from binge drinking. On average, underage drinkers consume more drinks per drinking occasion than adult drinkers. In 2010, there were approximately 189,000 emergency rooms visits by persons under age 21 for injuries and other conditions linked to alcohol. The abuse of alcohol in teens around the world is a significant problem to our society for the safety of others and the younger generations. The issue at hand is whether establishing aShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Alcohol Abuse On Alcohol882 Words   |  4 Pagesme is alcohol. I often notice underage adolescents drinking and I also distinguish how they become different people when intoxicated by alcohol. They begin to walk funny and they tend to slur their words, making it hard to comprehend anything they are saying. I have watched family m embers who were so inebriated that they could not even spell their own name or even pinpoint who they were. The questions I always ask myself when I see these drunk college kids is â€Å"Do these kids know the effects of alcoholismRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol On Alcohol Abuse Essay1115 Words   |  5 Pages Dependance on alcohol has been around ever since its creation and records of writing existed. From Biblical commandments clearly restricting the drink due to its destructive and addictive nature to the celebrities on tv screens and music devices glorifying the substance, alcohol has always been part of various cultures. Being the number one drug problem in the U.S with over 12 million people reportedly being alcoholics and of those 7 million being binge drinkers between the ages 12-20, it comesRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol On Alcohol Abuse942 Words   |  4 PagesEveryday around the world people fail to realize the effects alcohol abuse can have on themselves as well as t heir loved ones. Alcohol can be highly addictive, and plague an individual s life. Individuals who suffer from alcohol abuse go through various withdrawal symptoms when attempting to cease from drinking alcohol. There are various methods alcohol abusers to quit using alcohol. For adults who abuse alcohol, achieving abstinence can be an arduous process that can be overcome with the perseveranceRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol On Alcohol Abuse941 Words   |  4 PagesEvery day around the world, people fail to realize the effects alcohol abuse can have on themselves as well as their loved ones. Alcohol is highly addictive, and can plague an individual s life. People who suffer from alcohol abuse go through various withdrawal symptoms when attempting to cease from drinking alcohol. There are various methods alcohol abusers to quit using alcohol. For adults who abuse alcohol, achieving abstinence can be an arduous process that can be overcome with the perseveranceRead MoreThe Effects of Alcohol Abuse1472 Words   |  6 Pagesdoing things they should not. Alcohol is one of those things. Alcohol is extremely easy to get ahold of. It can be attained from anywhere; there are bars and liquor stores on every corner. One can get alcohol in grocery stores, gas stations, people can even brew it themselves if they know how. Alcohol that is commonly abused comes in a large variety ranging from weaker alcohols like wine and beer to stronger substances like tequila and vodka. When one abuses alcohol it taints the minds of even theRead MoreEffects of Alcohol Abuse1616 Words   |  7 PagesAlcohol abuse The term alcohol abuse in this case encompasses harmful use of alcohol and misuse of alcohol resulting from dependence. The experience of alcohol abuse can have far-reaching consequences on the family, the community, and the nation. According to NIDA, drug and substance abuse costs the nation $600 Billion every year. This cost factors in crime, healthcare, and lost productivity. Alcohol accounts for 40% of this cost. It is, therefore, necessary, within the context of the family, toRead MoreEffects Of Alcohol And Drug Abuse919 Words   |  4 PagesImpact of Alcohol and Drug Abuse There may be some things that you don t know about the impact of drug and alcohol abuse on friends and family and how your friends and family may react to your choices. Having knowledge about alcohol and drug abuse, preventing toxic relationship with friends, and being informed about the consequences of drug and alcohol abuse can prevent the harmful use or consumption of drugs and alcohol. First and foremost, having knowledgeable information on the impact drugsRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol Abuse On The Family1518 Words   |  7 Pagesimpact this is having on her relationship with my mom and family. To say my step mom is an addict would truly be an understatement because of her need and crave for it each day. Unfortunately, alcohol abuse is not often taken serious and many people have a tough time understanding the effects of alcohol abuse on the entire family as opposed to just the abuser. Since Tina was a young age, she knew she was a lesbian and made it a point to hide this from her family and friends. She began to create aRead MoreEffects Of Alcohol Abuse On Children1698 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract The influence of alcohol advertising has been around for many years. People don’t understand the damage that alcohol abuse can cause and will cause if someone decides to start drinking on a regular. Often time’s people begin to drink because they are stressed and becomes a habit that one can no longer over come. Once down that road it is hard to recover, but if you are willing to recover there is always clinics and family that will help. Alcohol abuse and enslavement are enormous currentRead MoreCauses and Effects of Alcohol Abuse955 Words   |  4 Pagesinfluence of peers, family, society, the availability of alcohol, mental illness, stress, and not knowing how to cope with certain situations. It’s a common thing for an alcoholic to think drinking is the answer to all their problems, but in retrospect drinking is only adding to the multiple complications caused by being a compulsive drinker. Research has been done to explore the reason behind why people drink. However, â€Å"Exactly how alcohol affects the brain and the likelihood of reversing the

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